Monday, 31 October 2016

Twin Pregnancy Symptoms: 8 Early Signs

Higher HCG levels:

First thing to look out for would be higher HCG levels. Now HCG levels are tested for at your doctor’s office. It’s just a simple blood test. And not everyone’s going to automatically get an HCG test.

They happen early on in your pregnancy and typically only happen for women that have undergone fertility treatments or have had miscarriages in the past. So if you don’t get an HCG test, totally fine, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Your doctor isn’t doing anything wrong but if you do happen to get one you can check for your levels and if your levels are very high, very early on and are doubling very fast, that can be a sign of twins.

Bad morning sickness:

Some women experience excessive morning sickness very early on in their pregnancies. I think typically morning sickness hits right around like 6-8 weeks so if you are experiencing really bad morning sickness before that, like around 4 weeks, then that could be a sign of twins.

Measuring big:

If you’re measuring large for your gestational age, definitely a sign of twins because there are two babies in there instead of one, you’re going to have to expand a little bit faster that you would if you’re carrying a singleton.

Early fetal movement:

Another one would be if you’re experiencing early and frequent fetal movement. Typically for your first pregnancy, women tend to experience their first fetal movement anywhere between 18 and 20 weeks, but if you’re experiencing that a lot sooner and a lot more frequent earlier, that definitely could be a sign of twins.

Like if you experience a kick or a movement real low in your belly and then something up real high, definitely could be a sign of twins. Because if you don’t think the baby’s quite as big as your whole stomach is yet.

Mother’s intuition:

And then mother’s intuition, if you think you might be having twins, you just might be.

Check your family history:

And also take a look at your family history because if you’ve got twins on your side or your partner has twins on his side, you know that can definitely play a role whether or not you guys will have twins.

Now everything that I’ve talked about so far is a fail safe way to know if you’re having twins or not or if you’re carrying twins or not, but I do have two ways that can be pretty concrete and I tell you 100%:

Two Heartbeats = Twins:

The first one would be using your fetal doppler or having the doctor use the fetal Doppler. If you’re not a pro at using one, you might get a false reading but you’d be able to pick up two separate heartbeats on a fetal doppler so they could tell you either way whether you’re having one or two.

Check Out the Ultrasound:

And then of course the ultimate fail safe way to know if you’re having twins is an ultrasound.

Ultrasounds typically happen about 8 weeks, 8-10 weeks I think is about the earliest that the doctor will do an ultrasound unless you’ve experienced problems in the past, then you might be able to get one earlier but at 8 weeks you can definitely see the baby on the screen and that would be very easy to tell if you’re having a singleton or twins.


Twins DNA Test

Find out if twins are identical or fraternal accurately and scientifically. Easy DNA offers our twin DNA test to help confirm whether twins are identical twins (monozygotic twins) or fraternal twins (heterozygotic twins). Results for our twin DNA test are 100% accurate.

About identical and fraternal twins:

Twins can either be identical or fraternal. Identical twins or monozygotic twins are conceived when a single sperm cell fertilises an ovum.

The ovum then splits forming two individuals with identical copies of DNA. Non identical twins (dizygotic twins) are conceived when 2 sperm cells fertilise two ovums resulting in two individuals with different DNA profiles.

To be noted that non identical twins can have different fathers; although this is rare, this can occur and is known as heteropaternal superfecundation.

To learn more about the difference between identical and fraternal twins, visit this page.

Results and cost of a twin DNA Test:

The twin DNA test is an extremely accurate test and will confirm whether the tested twins are identical or fraternal. A twin zygosity test costs £139.00 for testing both twins .

The cost for any additional siblings (for triplets, quadruplets, etc.) is £70.00 per person. Results are available within 5-7 working days from the arrival of the samples at our labs.

Note: We can only guarantee standard result turnaround time when testing takes place solely using oral swab samples. Using a discreet sample for your test may lead to an increase in turnaround time.

Real client testimonial:

“Everyone always asked whether my girls were identical. I always said no, and used to get the reply back, “are you sure”. Now i have my answer. Thank you very much.”  Australia, 22nd April 2015

How does the test work?

Identical twins (monozygotic twins) will share the exact same DNA profile; fraternal twins (dizygotic twins) will not. A twin DNA test is able to confirm whether the twins tested share the same DNA profiles or not and thus, confirm whether they are identical or fraternal

DNA sampling is done by means of an oral swab which is rubbed inside the mouth of both twins for 10 seconds. Please refer to our information on the DNA testing kit and sample collection to understand more.

At Easy DNA the samples are analysed using our state-of-the-art genetic identification systems  that analyse 21 different genetic markers. The twin DNA test results guarantee minimum probabilities in excess of 99.99%.


Saturday, 29 October 2016

Twin girl names: photos

Naming twins isn’t easy. Not only do you need to find two names that you love, but may want to consider how they work together as a pair.

Caroline and Phoebe:

The name Caroline is derived from the name Charles, meaning "free man". Phoebe means "bright and shining". Strong, classic names for little girls.

Lyra and Kitty:

Lyra comes from the word "lyre", which is a harp, while Kitty means "pure". Pretty little names for your girls.

Ella and Emma:

Ella means "bright light", while Emma means "universal" and "entire". These two popular names sound perfect together.

Violet and Rose:

                                            Floral names for sweet little girls.

Faith and Hope:

                                      These two names are inspired by spirituality. And they go hand in hand.

Chloe and Claire:

Claire is the English version of Clara, a Latin name. It means "bright" and "clear". Chloe originated from Greece and means "green shoot on a plant or flower". Chloe is also a biblical name. Check out other name ideas for girls that have a biblical reference.

Ava and Olivia:

Ava is taken from the Latin word avis, meaning "bird", making it a great name if you like names with references to nature. Olivia was the name of a character in Shakespeare's play, Twelfth Night. Olivia is a feminine take on the name Oliver and means "olive tree".

Madison and Morgan:

                                               These gender-neutral names are perfect for girls or boys.

Isabel and Isla:

Alliteration helps twin names to flow nicely together. These names were both in the 2013 top 10 names for girls.

Daisy and Lily:

These floral names both link to the word "pure", making them perfect for twin baby girls.

Fearne and Keira:

The name Fearne comes from the flower, while Keira means "dark haired". Two fresh and feminine names for your little girls.

Abigail and Charlotte:

                                                  Elegant and classic names for beautiful little girls.

Ashley and Elise:

Ashley means "from the ash tree field". Elise is a derivative of the name Elizabeth, meaning "my God is my vow". Elise is an old fashioned name that has recently become popular again.

Eden and Savannah:

Eden and Savannah - two unique names for two of a kind. Savannah is also the name of Princess Anne's grandaughter. Have a look at other names within the royal family.

Natalie and Nicole:

Are your babies due during the festive season? Natalie is a Latin name, meaning "The Lord's birthday". Nicole is a feminine version of the name Nicholas, making these names perfect for winter babies.

London and Paris:

                                     Are you a bit of an explorer? Place names may be perfect for your little girls.

Alexandra and Elizabeth:

                                                 Traditional and timeless. These names date back centuries.

Heaven and Nevaeh If you're expecting identical twins, why not give them names with exactly the same letters in them to give them an extra special connection?

Beatrice and Bridget:

Two timeless classics. Beatrice can be shortened to Bea for a modern touch and Bridget to Bridge.

Juliet and Vivienne:

                                             Two classic names to give your girls a touch of class.


Types of Twins : Identical, Fraternal & Unusual Twinning

Identical Twins:

Identical Twins occur when a single egg is fertilized by a single sperm to form one zygote (monozygotic) but the zygote then divides into two separate embryos.

The biological mechanisms that prompt the single fertilized egg to split in two remain a mystery. The two embryos develop into foetuses sharing the same womb.

Depending on the stage at which the zygote divides. identical twins may share the same amnion (in which case they are known as monoamniotic) or not (diamniotic).

Diamniotic identical twins may share the same placenta (known as monochorionic) or not (dichorionic). All monoamniotic twins are monochorionic.

The later in pregnancy that twinning occurs. the more structures will be shared. Zygotes that twin at the earliest stages will be diamniotic and dichorionic ("di-di").

Twinning between 4 to 8 days after fertilization typically results in monochorionic-diamniotic ("mono-di") twins. Twinning between 8 to 12 days after fertilization will usually result in monochorionic-monoamniotic ("mono-mono") twins. Twinning after 12 days post-fertilization will typically result in conjoined twins.

  • Dichorionic/Diamniotic : each twin has his/her own placenta, chorion and amniotic sac
  • Monochorionic/Diamniotic: twins share placenta and chorionic sac but have their own amniotic sac
  • Monoamniotic/Monochorionic : twins share placenta, chorionic and amniotic sac

Unlike fraternal twins that develop from separate eggs and sperm, identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that splits in two and creates two genetic replicas.

Identical twins are just that, identical, so there can't be different sex twins (like there can be with fraternal twins).

The term twin most notably refers to two individuals (or one of two individuals) who have shared the same uterus (womb) and are usually. but not necessarily. born on the same day. A fetus alone in the womb is called a singleton.

Due to the limited size of the mother's womb. multiple pregnancy is much less likely to carry to full term than singleton birth (twins usually around 34 to 37 weeks).

Since some premature births often have health consequence to the babies. twin births are more often handled with special procedures than regular births.

Fraternal Twins:

Fraternal Twins (commonly known as "non-identical twins") usually occur when two fertilised eggs are implanted in the uterine wall at the same time that is when the mother releases two eggs and both become fertilized by two different sperms. The two eggs form two zygotes. and these twins are therefore also known as dizygotic.

Dizygotic twins. like any siblings. have a very small chance of having the exact same chromosone profile. but most likely have a number of different chromosones that distinguish them.

Dizygotic twins may be a different sex or the same sex. just as with any other siblings. Like singleton siblings. they share 50% of their DNA.

Studies show that there is a genetic basis for fraternal twinning ;that is. non-identical twins do run in families. However. it is only the female that has any influence on the chances of having fraternal twins as the male cannot make her release more than one ovum.

Your likelihood of having fraternal twins is dependent upon the woman carrying a fraternal twin gene and can also be affected by heredity. race. marital age and number of children previously born. Two-thirds of all twin births result in same sex fraternal twins and one-third are different sex fraternal twins. About two-thirds of all twin births are fraternal.

Behaviour & Environmental Influences:

Identical twins can behave as differently as any other siblings (a matter of much interest to psychologists). They develop their own individual personalities to enable themselves to be identified as individual persons.

Many identical twins spend most of their time together (especially as children). so people often assume that they will behave alike just as they look alike; however. this is not the case. Twins are unique individuals that establish their own individual likes and dislikes.

There are usually obvious signs of differences when the identical twins are observed separately or together.

Identical twins have identical DNA but differing environmental influences throughout their lives affect which genes are switched on or off. This is called epigenetic modification. A study of 80 pairs of twins ranging in age from 3 to 74 showed that the youngest twins have relatively few epigenetic differences.

The number of differences between identical twins increases with age. 50-year-old twins had over 3 times the epigenetic difference that the 3-year-old twins had. Twins who had spent their lives apart (such as those adopted by two different sets of parents at birth) had the greatest difference.

Mirror Twins:

Mirror twins. also called Mirror Image Twins. are a subset of identical twins and are identical twins with opposite features. that is one will be right handed and the other will be left handed. One quarter (1/4) of all identical twins may be mirror twins.

These mirrors are literally reflections of each other and may possess matching or almost matching fingerprints and share the same DNA. They result form a late split of the fertilized egg at around 9-12 days. The one mirror may or may not have situs reverus or situs inversus.

This is where the organs will be on the opposite side of the body. heart being on the right. etc.

Half Identical Twins (Polar Body Twinning):

Polar body twinning occurs when an egg splits prior to fertilization and each half receives a separate sperm. The twins share 75% of their DNA.

This type (although not fully accepted as an "official" type of twins by scientists yet) theorizes that twins aren't exactly identical and aren't exactly fraternal. but half identical/half fraternal.

It can happen when the oocyte (primary egg cell) divides twice on its way to maturity. yielding egg cells and polar bodies at different stages along the way. Usually these smaller polar bodies don't play a meaningful role in reproduction. But now scientists believe that some twins could be the result of two of these egg cells and larger polar bodies being pregnated by two sperm.

The twins would most likely share all of their mother's genes but only half of their father's genes.
Twins of Two

Two eggs are released by the ovaries and each egg is fertilized by a different father. These fraternal twins are genetically half-siblings and share 25% of their DNA.

Unusual Twinnings:

There are some patterns of twinning that are exceedingly rare: while they have been reported to happen. they are so unusual that most obstetricians or midwives may go their entire careers without encountering a single case.

Among fraternal twins. in rare cases. the eggs are fertilised at different times with two or more acts of sexual intercourse. either within one menstrual cycle (superfecundation) or. even more rarely. later on in the pregnancy (superfetation).

This can lead to the possibility of a woman carrying fraternal twins with different fathers (that is. half-siblings). One 1992 study estimates that the frequency of heteropaternal superfecundation among dizygotic twins whose parents were involved in paternity suits was approximately 2.4%.

Among monozygotic twins. in extremely rare cases. twins have been born with opposite sexes (one male. one female).

The probability of this is so vanishingly small (only 3 documented cases) that multiples having different genders is universally accepted as a sound basis for a clinical determination that in utero multiples are not monozygotic.

When monozygotic twins are born with different genders it is because of chromosomal birth defects. In this case. although the twins did come from the same egg. it is incorrect to refer to them as genetically identical. since they have different karyotypes.

Complications of Twin Pregnancy Vanishing twins syndrome

Researchers suspect that more pregnancies start out as multiples than come to term that way. Early obstetric ultrasound exams sometimes reveal an "extra" fetus. which fails to develop and instead disintegrates and vanishes. This topic is discussed in more detail under a separate article.

Vanishing Twin Syndrome:

First recognised in 1945, this occurs when a twin or multiple disappears in the uterus during pregnancy as a result of the miscarraige of one twin or multiple, the fetal tissue is absorbed by the other twin, multiple, placenta or the mother.

Although no-one knows exactly how often this may occur, it is speculated that 1 in 8 pregnancies could start out as a multiple pregnancy.

The widespread use of ultrasound and particularly for IVF where the scans are taken much earlier (around 5-6 weeks) means that the second 'twin' can be seen yet on further scans it has 'disappeared' hence the term vanishing twin.

Miscarried twin:

Occasionally. a woman will suffer a miscarriage early in pregnancy. yet the pregnancy will continue; one twin was miscarried but the other was able to be carried to term. Similar to vanishing twin.

Conjoined twins / Siamese twins:

Conjoined twins are monozygotic twins (Monoamniotic-Monochorionic) whose bodies are joined together at birth.

This occurs where the single zygote of identical twins fails to separate completely. perhaps because they split very late in development (12 days or later since conception). Most conjoined twins are also mirror twins. This condition occurs in about 1 in 100.000 pregnancies.

Parasitic twins:

Sometimes one twin fetus will fail to develop completely and continue to cause problems for its surviving twin. One fetus acts as a parasite towards the other. Sometimes the parasitic twin just becomes an almost indistingishiable part of the other.

A chimera is a person who is a complete normal human with no extra parts. but some of the parts actually came from his or her twin. A chimera may be from either from identical twin fetuses (where it would be impossible to detect). or from dyzygotic fetuses. which could be identified by chromosonal comparisons from various parts of the body.

Human Twins - Twinning Rate:

Historically, about 1 in 80 human births (1.2%) has been the result of a twin pregnancy. The rate of twinning varies greatly among ethnic groups. ranging as high as about 6% for the Yoruba (Nigeria) or 10% for a tiny Brazilian village.

The widespread use of fertility drugs causing hyperovulation (stimulated release of multiple eggs by the mother) has caused what some call an "epidemic of multiple births". In 2001. for the first time ever in the US. the twinning rate exceeded 3% of all births.

Thus. approximately 6% of children born in the US in 2001 were twins. In the UK approx 1.5% of all multiple births are twins (3% of the total UK population). this has increased by almost 50% over the last 20 years. The primary reasons for this are increase in maternal age. assisted conception techniques eg IVF and the improvement in neo-natal care.

Nevertheless. the rate of identical twins remains at about 1 in 250 across the globe. further suggesting that pregnancies resulting in identical twins occur randomly.

Multiple births:

Sometimes multiple births may involve more than two fetuses. If there are three, they are called triplets; four. quadruplets; five. quintuplets; six. sextuplets. seven. septuplets. and so on. Before the advent of ovulation-stimulating drugs. triplets were quite rare (approximately 1 in 8000 births) and higher order births so rare as to be almost unheard of. Multiple pregnancies are usually delivered before the full term of 40 weeks gestation: the average length of pregnancy is around 37 weeks for twins. 34 weeks for triplets and 32 weeks for quadruplets.

Predisposing factors:

The cause of monozygotic twinning is unknown. Fewer than 20 families have been described with an inherited tendency towards monozygotic twinning (people in these families have nearly a 50% chance of delivering monozygotic twins).

Some evidence suggests that the environment of the womb causes the zygote to split in most cases.
Dizygotic twin pregnancies are slightly more likely when the following factors are present in the woman:

  • She is of African descent
  • Between the age of 30 and 40 years
  • Greater than average height and weight
  • Conception is soon after the cessation of oral contraceptives
  • Several previous pregnancies.

Women undergoing certain fertility treatments may have a greater chance of multiple births. This can vary depending on what types of fertility treatments are used.

With in vitro fertilisation (IVF). this is primarily due to the insertion of multiple embryos into the uterus. Some other treatments such as the drug Clomid can stimulate a woman to release multiple eggs. allowing the possibility of multiples.

Many fertility treatments have no effect on the likelyhood of multiple births. Currently around 25% of IVF treatment results in a multiple birth.

Twin Studies:

Twin studies are studies that assess identical (monozygotic) twins for medical. genetic. or psychological characteristics to try to isolate genetic influence from environmental influence.

Twins that have been separated early in life and raised in separate households are especially sought-after for these studies. which have been invaluable in the exploration of human nature.

Zygosity Testing:

It is difficult to tell if twins are identical or fraternal at birth. Some identical twins may be born with individual sets of membranes, which may lead to the mistaken assumption that the babies are fraternal. One way to tell the difference is to have the twins DNA tested.

Identical twins share the same genetic information. while fraternal twins share around half. The test can be done with a sample of cheek cells. collected painlessly. Contact The Multiple Births Foundation for more information on DNA testing.


Sunday, 23 October 2016

How to Conceive a Girl Naturally - Easy Tips with 94% Success Rate

How to Conceive a Girl – Complete Guide

At some point in life, it is natural for you to settle down with your partner, have babies and raise a family. When it comes to having a baby, you will definitely have a gender presence. So, what happens when all you want is a baby girl?

Do you know the measures that you can take in order to achieve this? Well, continue reading this article for it contains various tips on how to conceive a girl.

How to Conceive a Girl – Complete Guide

Before outlining the tips in detail, it is important to take a dive into the medical or biological definition of determining the gender of the baby you are planning to conceive.

The medical theories suggest that a woman only bears only X-chromosomes in their eggs while men contain both X and Y chromosomes. If it chances that your man donates the X part of his chromosomes, then you will no doubt conceive a girl.

Having said this, it is not correct to assume that this is the only way that having a girl can be achieved. Several other methods, often found to be effective, have been devised. Here they are:

Diet Change

It is accurate that your diet has a huge impact on the gender of your baby. This may surprise you but it is worth giving a try especially if a girl is your top preference.

The diet theory revolves around the idea that an acidic environment tends to favor girls. Although this method has been dismissed by scientific experts as not being effective, the testimonies of several women who have tried it and had a positive outcome suggests otherwise.

The cervical mucus is usually thick and acidic, changes to alkaline and loses the thickness at the time ovulation. This allows the sperm to swim through the vagina, through the cervix and finally into the uterus.

A girl’s sperm lasts and lives much longer in an acidic environment than that of a boy, hence increasing your chances of conceiving a girl. Note that this works because an acidic environment tends to kill sperms.

How to Conceive a Girl – Chinese Calendar Method

One of the best known natural techniques for conceiving a child of a desired gender is the Chinese Calendar Method. This article contains all the important things you must know about this human sex selection and prediction strategy, which, according to a legend, is an ancient traditional astrological method, dating from the 13th-century China.

Gender Prediction and Preconceptional Selection

First of all, it seems that this technique was intended for gender prediction, which means that it was used initially to determine the fetal sex (the sex of a conceived baby,

but unborn yet). On the other hand, this method is also used for preconception gender selection, meaning that this strategy reveals what the women must do, prior to the moment of conception, in order to give birth to a child of a chosen sex.

For the couples trying to find out how to conceive a girl, Chinese Calendar Gender Method shows what are the periods when a female descendant has the biggest chances to be conceived by them.

Conception Chart is a Simple Table

In order to predict a baby’s gender and to determine the best periods for conceiving an offspring of a desired gender, this legendary method uses an old Chinese Gender Chart, which is a simple table, whose main area consists of 12 columns, corresponding to the 12 Chinese (lunar) months of conception, and 28 rows, corresponding to the 28 values of Chinese (lunar) age of mother at conception

4 Proven Tips to Conceive a Girl

While skeptics argue that there isn’t a way to actually influence the gender of your baby, there are definitely lots of interesting theories about how you can make certain it is a girl.

Some parents claim that they conceived a girl by adhering to certain rituals, from changing diet to using specific “positions” in the bedroom.

Although majority of the medical specialists disregard such methods as old wives’ tales, there are quite a lot of gender-picking believers who vehemently disagree.

Whether you are concerned about a gender-linked disorder to be inherited by your child if he is a boy, or you only see pink when you dream of a nursery, one question that you are likely to be asking yourself is how to conceive a girl. If you are completely determined, you might want to give some of the following tips a try that many astrologers, parents, and even some doctors recommend.

 1. Bring the Chinese Lunar Birth calendar into play

Although it is an unscientific technique, many physicians recommend following the famous Chinese Lunar calendar. As indicated by this ancient mystic calendar, the time of conception and the age of the mother are two factors that determine the gender of your baby.

2. Eat a Girly Diet

There are a few gender-prediction mavens out there who believe that following a particular diet for some weeks prior to conceiving augment your chances to have a baby girl. According to them, switching your diet causes the pH balance to change, which contributes largely to the gender of your baby.

The key is to eat highly acidic foods like oranges, grapefruit, lemon, etc. The acidic environment weakens the male-producing sperms, which gives the female-producing ones a better chance of getting to the egg. Moreover, your diet has to be high in magnesium and calcium but low in potassium and salt in order to conceive a girl.

6 Tips Which Increase Your Chances to Conceive a Girl

In this article I will briefly describe a few tips which will boost your chances of getting pregnant with a girl.

It is very pleasant to try things that involve certain techniques of conceiving a girl. It is the sweetest moment to share with your partner about how to conceive a girl.

Both of you try to make sure that whatever the method you follow must be effective with a helpful solution. So with this hope you look for the best techniques to get pregnant with a baby girl.

Easy-to-follow tips for conceiving a girl

You need to take time in knowing certain methods and techniques that work in a better way without missing the gender of your baby.

You can’t afford to take up several attempts to make one of them successful. You need to increase your chances of conceiving a baby girl right from the beginning. The methods below are the proven methods presented by scientists.

Avoid apples

It is a known fact that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is for the purpose of health benefits. But, apples are not for those women who are looking for tips on how to conceive a girl.

It is because apples are less in alkaline nature and they create a friendly environment to male sperm in vaginal mucus. So, avoid intake of apples during your planned pregnancy.

You can eat in the least number after crossing certain weeks of conceiving as then there is no need of making any kind of environmental changes internally.

Thus, every technique is required to make the gender of your baby perfectly. [Read more…] about 6 Tips Which Increase Your Chances to Conceive a Girl

The Microsort Method for Conceiving a Boy

Couples wishing to conceive a boy as a brother to an existing family of girls, might be advised to consider the Microsort Method.  While no method of gender selection can guarantee 100% results, this method will give couples at least a 74% chance of conceiving a boy.

The Microsort Method is available only through licensed clinics, so the couple will have to apply at one of them for the treatment. This is now in the clinical trial stage of development.

About The Microsort Method

The Microsort Method is based on the fact that sperm bearing the y chromosome, the male chromosome is actually lighter in weight than the sperm bearing the x, or female, chromosome.

The y chromosome is quite a bit shorter than the x chromosome and contains less DNA.

Using the Microsort Method, this difference in the amount of DNA can be measured and used to separate the male sperm from the female, giving couples a better chance of having a boy.

The sperm donated by the man will be separated by a cytometer and further refined by another process to provide a sperm sample that will consist predominantly of the desired y chromosome bearing sperm.

Once this has been done, the woman can be impregnated by artificial insemination.  As some couples may also be experiencing trouble conceiving at all, the refined sperm samples can also be used for in vitro fertilization.  Another method, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection can also be used.

This involves injecting a single male sperm cell into the egg, a process that is done in the laboratory.  The fertilized egg will then be implanted in the woman’s uterus.

How to get pregnant with a girl

Many people particularly the married folks realize what it will take to make a baby, nonetheless what they don’t know is how to be able to come up with a baby girl or boy.

It is quite common among couples to wish to get a boy as their firstborn baby. It’s really not your call with regards to the gender of your baby, even though you are free to believe as to the gender you wish your very first baby is. Well, it cannot be helped if a certain married couple having already two strong boys, wish to know the secrets of how to conceive a girl naturally.

Based on research, there are methods for conceiving a girl that have been confirmed to be reliable. To be precise, you can try In Vitro Fertilization and MicroSort.

Besides the two mentioned approaches, there are other techniques found out by some other experts which are recognized to work for married couples to perhaps conceive a girl. With this, the information provided in this article is crucial to read.

How to Conceive a Girl Diet

An expression that is searched by many internauts is “how to conceive a girl diet“. This is due to the fact that, over the last few years, more and more couples are trying to set – before conception – the gender of their future babies; and they want to do it naturally.

But the scientists (at least the great majority of them) are very categorical in this regard: the only two methods that reliably influence the sex of a baby, prior to conception, are: PGD with IVF (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis with In Vitro Fertilization) and MicroSort (which is still an experimental procedure).

However, some researchers think that the foods parents (especially the woman) eat before conception will influence the gender of their offspring. This article reveals the diet method for conceiving a child of the desired gender – more precisely, the diet to conceive a girl.

The diet gender-selection technique has been studied since the beginning of the twentieth century. In the 1930s, the respected European scientist Dr. Curt Herbst (experimental embryologist, director of the Zoological Institute in Heidelberg) discovered that mineral manipulations can influence the gender of worms and taurines (he noticed that diets rich in salt result in much more bulls than heifers).

This was a wonderful and promising scientific discovery for the couples trying to have a baby of a desired sex – in the present case,


8 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Having Twins

Nowadays, many couples want to have twins and are willing to do whatever it takes to increase the odds in their favor. Besides, there is nothing wrong with dreaming that one day you will also have twins.

While it is a fact that you do not get to choose who gets to be in your family, the case is slightly different when it comes to conceiving twins.

If you come from a family that has a history of hyper ovulation (the release of more than a single egg when ovulating), it helps because your chance of having twins increases.

How Common Are Twins?

Back in 2010, there was one birth of twins in every thirty births that happened in the USA. Moreover, 1 in every 726 births was for triplets or a higher order of children in a single birth.

The birth rate of twins has risen by 76% over the last thirty years. What is the cause of this rise in births of multiples? Part of it was because some women started having children when they were a little older. The older you get, the more likely your hormonal changes cause the release of more than one egg at a go.

Therefore, releasing more than a single egg means that you are more likely to have more than one baby.

The high rise in the number of multiple births was also caused by the use of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) and fertility drugs, which help women conceive.

These treatments increase your chances of conceiving multiple babies at one time. However, this increase in twin births has slowed in the last decade mostly because fertility drugs are more refined.
In the meantime, the likelihood of a woman giving birth to identical twins (when an egg divides to two) is about 1 in 285 births. This rate has remained steady for decades and is amazingly constant globally.

What Factors Can Affect the Chances of Having Twins?

1. Fertility Treatment

The most common factor is using fertility treatment. Fertility drugs help to stimulate the ovaries thus increasing your chances of releasing more than one egg during ovulation.

If you have IVF (in vitro fertilization), you have a 20-40% chance of birthing more than one child. This, however, depends on the number of embryos you have placed in the embryo.

There is also intrauterine insemination (IUI) which is when a syringe is used to place the sperms in your uterus. This fertility treatment is the only one that does not increase your chances of giving birth to multiple babies.

Even so, there are women who undergo IUI and also take fertility drugs to increase their chances of having twins or more babies.

Treatments like fertility drugs primarily increase a person’s odds of giving birth to fraternal twins (two eggs fertilized by two sperms). Nevertheless, there is evidence that women who undergo some treatments like IVF have fairly higher chances of giving birth to identical twins.

2. Other Factors

FACTORS                                                    DESCRIPTIONS

Heredity                                      If there are twins in your family, or you’re a twin yourself, you are                                                        more likely to give birth to twins.

Age                                               Your chance of having fraternal twins or more babies increases as                                                           you get older. A woman over 35 years produces more FSH (follicle                                                       stimulating hormone) than a younger woman. Women with more                                                           FSH  can also release more than one egg for ovulation in one cycle.

History of twins                          If you had previously given birth to fraternal twins, there is                                                                    likelihood that you might have another pair in your future                                                                      pregnancies.

The number of pregnancies
                                                     If you’ve had many pregnancies before, your chance of having twins                                                      increases.

Race                                            Twins are less common in Asians and Hispanics and more common                                                        in African Americans.

Type of body                               Tall and large women are more likely to have twins than small                                                                women.

How to Increase the Chances of Having Twins

1. Taking Folic Acid Supplement

One study, from Australia, showed that some women are more likely to get pregnant with twins if they took folic acid before conceiving.

However, some studies have given contradictory results. Nonetheless, folic acid is helpful in preventing neural tube defects, so taking folic acid is always a good idea even if you do not want to have twins.

2. Add Some Weight

According to a 2005 study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, overweight women were more likely to give birth to twins. Likewise, tall women also had a higher chance of giving birth to twins.

3. Consuming Dairy Products

According to a Long Island Medical Doctor known for his research on pregnant women and multiple births, women who consumed dairy products especially milk from hormone treated cows have a five times higher chance of conceiving twins. According to the same study, vegans have a less likelihood of conceiving twins.

4. Continue Breastfeeding

If you want to have twins and are still breastfeeding, do not rush into weaning your little one just yet. According to a study conducted on twins, if you conceive when breastfeeding, your chance of conceiving twins is increased by nine times.

5. Try Conceiving the Moment You’ve Stopped Taking Birth Control Pills

If you have been taking the pills for six months and then stop, your body will need about two cycles to get back on track. This in turn sees you receive excess hormone stimulation. This consequently causes the release of more than one egg increasing your chances of having more than one of them fertilized.

6. Eat Wild Yams

Even though it is not completely clear whether this actually works, there is no harm in trying. Wild yams hyper-stimulate your ovaries and this might cause release of more than a single egg when you ovulate.

7. Have a Big Family

This has been said to naturally increase a person’s chance of giving birth to twins. In other words, the more times you conceive, the higher your chance of conceiving twins is.

8. Conceive When You Are Older

Even though older women have low fertility rates, they are more likely to conceive twins. They have high levels of FSH which cause the release of more than one egg.


Can I Get Pregnant With Shallow Penetration?

The way that you have intercourse could affect your ability to become pregnant. For example, those who have intercourse will typically try to have deep penetration if they are trying to become pregnant, especially if they have been struggling to conceive.

The reason for this is because the sperm will have a longer journey when it they are trying to get to the egg for fertilization. 

This could make them not strong enough to fertilize the egg when they reach it. In many instances, the sperm could also die before they even reach the egg.

Another factor to keep in mind is that the opening of the vagina is very acidic. This type of environment is not very hospitable to sperm and will actually kill off the male sperm that is present. However, this is something that can actually help improve the chances that you will become pregnant with a girl.

Female sperm are much stronger than male sperm. However, they are not as fast. When male sperm are forced to swim a long distance, this could mean that the female sperm out lives them.

The acidic environment at the opening of the vagina is also something that will help the female sperm thrive.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

how to conceive twin boys

How To Get Pregnant With Twin Boys:


There are many couples who would prefer to have twins rather than a single child when they become pregnant. While there are definitely ways to improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins, there are also couples who are looking to improve their chances of becoming pregnant with boys as well. While this may seem as though it is an impossible task, many couples have been able to try a certain methods to help improve their chances of having twins who are boys naturally and some of the best ways are listed below.

1. Twins:

The first thing that you need to focus on when you’re looking to become pregnant with twin boys is to become pregnant with twins.

For some, this is easier to accomplish than others. For example, some families may find that twins run in their family and that they are more likely to become pregnant with twins because of this reason.

However, there are also ways that you can naturally improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins.

For example, adding yams to your diet will help you conceive twins because they contain special nutrients that will help improve your ovulation and give you better chance of hyper ovulation.

Adding additional weight to your body can also help improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins because it has been shown that additional weight can increase the hormones that are produced by the body that promote twins being conceived.

Age is also a factor when it comes to having twins and women who are older have shown an increased chance of becoming pregnant with twins.

However, age and weight are both a factor when it comes to having issues with fertility and you may find that it is harder to become pregnant at all if you rely on these methods.

2. Boys:

The next thing that you need to focus on when you’re looking to have twin boys is increasing your chances of becoming pregnant with boys rather than girls.

Since male sperm is not as strong and has a shorter lifespan female sperm, they also tend to reach the egg faster than female sperm.

For this reason, it is very important that you monitor your ovulation cycle and attempt to have intercourse as close to your scheduled fertile days as possible.

You should avoid having intercourse 3 to 4 days before you ovulate because this will allow the female sperm the time that it needs to reach the egg and fertilize it with girls rather than boys.

It is also a good idea to have intercourse in a position that allows for deep penetration. This will help sperm be as close to the cervix as possible so that the male sperm will have a shorter distance to swim in order to reach the egg.

This coupled with having intercourse at the correct time can help improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twin boys.

Another item that can help improve your chances of becoming pregnant with boys is to avoid eating acidic foods while you’re trying to become pregnant. 
It has been shown that acidic foods create an environment that can essentially kill off male sperm and make it harder for you to become pregnant with a boy. 
By avoiding these types of foods, you will be improving the environment that is necessary for male sperm to survive and thrive so that they have the best chance of reaching the egg and fertilize it.

3. Conclusion:

For couples who are trying to become pregnant with twin boys, there are many things that they can do to help improve their chances. 
However, both trying to become pregnant with twins and trying to become pregnant with boys is a difficult process and not one that can be guaranteed with any method. 
It is important that you relax while you’re trying to become pregnant, and avoid adding the stress of controlling your pregnancy to your life.
The stress that this may create may be enough to keep you from becoming pregnant at all, and if you find that you are overly stressing about attempting to become pregnant with twin boys, you should work one developing ways to remove the stress from your life.
There are many relaxation tips that you can follow to help improve your chances of becoming pregnant, which in turn, may present you with the opportunity that you are looking for.
