Wednesday 19 October 2016

how to conceive twin boys

How To Get Pregnant With Twin Boys:


There are many couples who would prefer to have twins rather than a single child when they become pregnant. While there are definitely ways to improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins, there are also couples who are looking to improve their chances of becoming pregnant with boys as well. While this may seem as though it is an impossible task, many couples have been able to try a certain methods to help improve their chances of having twins who are boys naturally and some of the best ways are listed below.

1. Twins:

The first thing that you need to focus on when you’re looking to become pregnant with twin boys is to become pregnant with twins.

For some, this is easier to accomplish than others. For example, some families may find that twins run in their family and that they are more likely to become pregnant with twins because of this reason.

However, there are also ways that you can naturally improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins.

For example, adding yams to your diet will help you conceive twins because they contain special nutrients that will help improve your ovulation and give you better chance of hyper ovulation.

Adding additional weight to your body can also help improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twins because it has been shown that additional weight can increase the hormones that are produced by the body that promote twins being conceived.

Age is also a factor when it comes to having twins and women who are older have shown an increased chance of becoming pregnant with twins.

However, age and weight are both a factor when it comes to having issues with fertility and you may find that it is harder to become pregnant at all if you rely on these methods.

2. Boys:

The next thing that you need to focus on when you’re looking to have twin boys is increasing your chances of becoming pregnant with boys rather than girls.

Since male sperm is not as strong and has a shorter lifespan female sperm, they also tend to reach the egg faster than female sperm.

For this reason, it is very important that you monitor your ovulation cycle and attempt to have intercourse as close to your scheduled fertile days as possible.

You should avoid having intercourse 3 to 4 days before you ovulate because this will allow the female sperm the time that it needs to reach the egg and fertilize it with girls rather than boys.

It is also a good idea to have intercourse in a position that allows for deep penetration. This will help sperm be as close to the cervix as possible so that the male sperm will have a shorter distance to swim in order to reach the egg.

This coupled with having intercourse at the correct time can help improve your chances of becoming pregnant with twin boys.

Another item that can help improve your chances of becoming pregnant with boys is to avoid eating acidic foods while you’re trying to become pregnant. 
It has been shown that acidic foods create an environment that can essentially kill off male sperm and make it harder for you to become pregnant with a boy. 
By avoiding these types of foods, you will be improving the environment that is necessary for male sperm to survive and thrive so that they have the best chance of reaching the egg and fertilize it.

3. Conclusion:

For couples who are trying to become pregnant with twin boys, there are many things that they can do to help improve their chances. 
However, both trying to become pregnant with twins and trying to become pregnant with boys is a difficult process and not one that can be guaranteed with any method. 
It is important that you relax while you’re trying to become pregnant, and avoid adding the stress of controlling your pregnancy to your life.
The stress that this may create may be enough to keep you from becoming pregnant at all, and if you find that you are overly stressing about attempting to become pregnant with twin boys, you should work one developing ways to remove the stress from your life.
There are many relaxation tips that you can follow to help improve your chances of becoming pregnant, which in turn, may present you with the opportunity that you are looking for.


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