Sunday 23 October 2016

Can I Get Pregnant With Shallow Penetration?

The way that you have intercourse could affect your ability to become pregnant. For example, those who have intercourse will typically try to have deep penetration if they are trying to become pregnant, especially if they have been struggling to conceive.

The reason for this is because the sperm will have a longer journey when it they are trying to get to the egg for fertilization. 

This could make them not strong enough to fertilize the egg when they reach it. In many instances, the sperm could also die before they even reach the egg.

Another factor to keep in mind is that the opening of the vagina is very acidic. This type of environment is not very hospitable to sperm and will actually kill off the male sperm that is present. However, this is something that can actually help improve the chances that you will become pregnant with a girl.

Female sperm are much stronger than male sperm. However, they are not as fast. When male sperm are forced to swim a long distance, this could mean that the female sperm out lives them.

The acidic environment at the opening of the vagina is also something that will help the female sperm thrive.

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