Being pregnant is a huge milestone for most women. Creating a new life is a miracle for sure. But what if it is not ‘a’ new life but a couple of them?
If you haven’t guessed it already, we are talking about twins. Finding out that you are pregnant with twins can come as a jolt. It may take some time for the news to sink in. But once you make peace with the idea, you can let the celebrations begin!
Twin pregnancies are still relatively rare, and that is why they are so fascinating for most of us. Are there any factors that can predispose a woman towards a twin pregnancy?
You might be shocked to know, that they sure are! And, here, we talk about the twin pregnancy signs and symptoms.
Conceiving Twins:
You have a higher chance of conceiving twins if:
- You are over 30 years of age
- You are peri-menopausal
- You are taller than the average woman
- Your BMI is higher than 25
- You already have twins or have a family history of twins
- You have used Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) like IVF to get pregnant
- You belong to some particular ethnicity (e.g., African American)
So, if you fall in any of the categories mentioned above, you need to arm yourself with some ‘twin’ knowledge!
Twin Pregnancy – Early Symptoms:
Most women discover that they are pregnant with twins only after an ultrasound scan. But is there a way to find out a twin pregnancy before the scan?
We are sure that is the one question most women have in mind. Yes, you can get an idea even before you make a trip the doctor!
Here are some early signs of twin pregnancy symptoms:
1. A Very Positive Pregnancy Test:
That sounds a little confusing, doesn’t it? Well, for most women, a pregnancy test taken on the day of missed period often yields a faint line. But if you are carrying twins, it is likely that your test line will come out dark. Why is that?
Well, home pregnancy tests look for the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the body to confirm a pregnancy. When you are pregnant with twins, your body will produce more hCG and lead to a darker line!
2. Blood Test:
All bodies are different, so it is possible that your home pregnancy test fails to detect the extra hCG floating around in your body. But a blood test will surely catch it!
If you are carrying twins, your blood hCG number is likely to be 30-50% higher than if you were pregnant with a singleton.
3. Extreme Morning Sickness:
Many women suffer from morning sickness during their pregnancy. Unlike its name, morning sickness can strike any time of the day.
Nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy are the most visible early pregnancy symptoms. Morning sickness is a direct result of the presence of hCG in the body. It is why women carrying twins tend to have a worse case of this common pregnancy symptom.
Intolerance to certain foods, smells, textures are all part of the pregnancy journey but with twins, you’ll get more than you expect. So, if you find yourself heaving after each meal, and rushing to the bathroom to throw up, maybe, just maybe, you are pregnant with twins!Thankfully, you can reduce the discomfort through some simple measures:
- Avoid food that makes you gag
- Try smaller, more frequent meals
- Sip on ginger ale
- Drink more water
- Try medication (but only after you discuss it with your doctor)
4. Just A Hunch:
As a mother, you’ll need to start trusting your mama instinct. In fact, start watching your hunches right now! If you have a strong feeling that you are pregnant with twins, it is possible that your body is telling you something.
Most symptoms listed here indicate the possibility of a twin pregnancy. But you need to seek confirmation from your doctor before you assume anything!
Symptoms Of Twin Pregnancy:
So, now you know for sure that you are pregnant with twins! Congratulations! What now? Well, get ready for the journey of a lifetime!
As an expecting mother of twins, your pregnancy will deviate from the norm.
Apart from the excessive morning sickness, twin pregnancy comes with a unique set of signs and symptoms. Here are the major symptoms and signs of twin pregnancy you should watch out for:
1. Weight Gain:
It is a known fact that pregnancy entails gaining weight. But when you are carrying twins, the weight can be and should be more than average. But there is no standard number when it comes to weight gain.
How much weight you need to gain depends on your pre-pregnancy weight as well as height. In most cases, healthy women need to gain a mere 10lbs more than the norm while carrying twins. So, don’t binge on unhealthy food and gain excessive weight just because you are carrying twins!
2. Measuring Large For Gestational Age:
Have you noticed your doctor measuring your belly during your appointments? Well, what she does is measure the height of the uterine fundus to check your baby’s gestational age.
Gestational age indicates the age of a fetus or baby counted from the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period. It is a good way to ensure that your pregnancy is progressing the way it should. Women who are carrying twins always measure larger than a woman carrying singletons.
When you are carrying twins, your uterus expands more than it does with a single pregnancy, and that is why you look bigger! But there are other reasons that can lead to a baby measuring larger than its normal gestation age. Don’t worry, your doctor will keep an eye on it to rule out any complications.
3. Early Fetal Movement:
One of the most magical moments during pregnancy is to feel your baby move! And when you are pregnant with twins, the moment can come sooner than later!
Many women carrying twins report feeling their babies move before women carrying a single baby. But there is no scientific basis for this symptom.
There are several other factors that can help you experience your baby move sooner. For example, a thinner woman is more likely to experience early fetal movements. This is one of the pregnancy symptoms with twins.
4. Frequent Fetal Movement:
Another thing you can experience as a would-be mother of twins is frequent fetal movement. When you are carrying two babies, you can expect a lot of moving around. A prelude of things to come!
5. Extreme Fatigue:
Exhaustion, tiredness, fatigue – call it by any name, but the chances are high that when you are pregnant, you’ll feel tired like you have never felt before.
And if you are pregnant with twins? Get ready for feeling bone tired, all the time! Your body is working overtime to nourish two lives, so it is normal to feel extreme tiredness and lethargy, especially in the first trimester. But there are other factors, like anemia, that too can cause similar symptoms.
So talk to your doctor if you feel so tired that going through your day seems like a huge chore. This is one of the symptoms of being pregnant with twins.
6. Breathlessness:
As your pregnancy progresses, your twins will push against your diaphragm, making you breathless in the process. Breathlessness is common in singleton pregnancies as well but with twins you can expect double the fun! But if you feel breathless all the time, and feel too uncomfortable, do call your doctor!
7. Digestion Issues:
Constipation, bloating, indigestion and heartburn are all common pregnancy symptoms for twins. When your body is growing two lives, your digestive system will be hard pressed.
And as your uterus grows to accommodate your twins, it will take away space from your stomach. That is why these digestive issues are more intense during the third trimester. Yes, a little bit of digestive discomfort cannot be helped, but you sure can reduce the problems!
Some ways to a happier digestive system include:
- Opt for smaller meals at regular intervals
- Avoid oily and overly spicy food
- Drink a lot of water to keep your digestive system healthy and happy!
8. Back Pain:
Back pain is pretty common during pregnancies. But with twins, everything tends to be over the top. When you are growing twins, you gain more weight, your hormones are all over the place, and your center of gravity shifts.
Is it any wonder that your body groans under all this pressure? All these changes can take a huge toll on your back.But with a few tips you can deal with back pain (though you can’t banish it completely).
Some of the things that can help are:
- Stand up straight and tall
- Hold your chest high
- Keep your shoulders back and relaxed
- Don’t lock your knees
- Opt for low heeled shoes
- Try out a maternity belt
9. Insomnia:
Lack of sleep is a huge problem for new mothers. But here is some news! Sleeplessness can hit you way before your baby makes an appearance.
With your growing girth, you can expect a few sleepless nights (or many)! Discovering the right way to sleep can seem like a battle when you are pregnant with twins.
Add indigestion, fatigue, and back pain to the mix, and sleep can become an uphill task. But you need to sleep well, not just for your health but also that of your babies’.
Some ways to find a good night’s sleep include:
- You may prefer to sleep on your back, but when you are pregnant, sleeping on your side is the only safe way
- Use pillows to elevate your upper body
- Put a pillow between your legs or under your tummy to find your comfortable sleeping position
- Take a nap when you can to catch up on your sleep
- Exercises like swimming and walking can do wonders for your sleep
- Eat well and healthy
10. Depression:
A pregnancy is a life-changing event. And when you discover that you are to welcome not one but two babies, the change can feel earth shattering.
Many women with twin pregnancies suffer from depression. The hormonal change in the body can send anyone into a tizzy. But when you have twins, the whole surprise can take some time to settle down. In fact, you are more likely to suffer from pre as well as postnatal depression if you are expecting twins.Thankfully, with the right tools, you can beat depression and enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.
Here are some tips to help you:
- Accept that you are about to give birth to two babies. Acceptance is a great healer!
- Try meditation or any other relaxation technique to help you out
- The right food can go a long way in keeping your mental health in top shape
- Talk to other twin moms. There are others who have walked in your shoes, and they are the best people to guide you in your journey.
11. Extreme Breast Tenderness:
Your breasts can feel very tender when you are pregnant, thanks to all the hormones flowing through your body. Add another baby, and the tenderness can become downright painful!
Many twin moms experience breast tenderness to such an extent that they cannot even wear a bra.If you experience the same thing, well, you can ditch the bra whenever you can. Or better still, go out bra shopping and find some amazing maternity bras.
12. Frequent Urination:
Did you always wonder why your pregnant friend was always rushing to the loo? Now you’ll know! Thanks to all the hormones and the pressure on your bladder, you too will now need to make frequent trips to the bathroom!But don’t let that stop you from drinking ample amounts of water. Remember, lack of water can cause dehydration, which in turn can lead to premature contractions.
13. Cramping:
Cramping during pregnancy can send any women into a panic frenzy. But relax! As long as you are not bleeding, do not worry about cramping.
As your uterus grows to accommodate your twin pregnancy, you can experience cramping or round ligament pains. Women can also experience pelvic pain during their pregnancy, which is again not a worrisome symptom. It is just your body getting ready for childbirth.But you can get some respite from the pain. Here are some tips to ease the pain:
- Whenever possible, give your growing tummy some support. You can buy maternity belts to help you out
- Slow down! Yes, you want to be productive, but your body does need a little rest now that it is growing two babies
- Avoid jerky movements
14. Water Retention:
With a twin pregnancy, you are more likely to experience water retention. So, get ready for swelling or edema, which can be pretty uncomfortable.
But it can also lead to more serious conditions like preeclampsia. That is why it is important to manage your edema before it gets out of hand.
Here are some things you can do:
- Avoid consuming too much salt and processed food
- Eat healthily to avoid gaining excessive weight
- Drink more water to flush out the extra water from your body
- Opt for foods like watermelon, cabbage, peas, apples and citrus fruits that act as natural diuretics
- Quit smoking, if you haven’t already
15. Abnormally High Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) Test Result:
Your doctor will test you for AFP during the second trimester. For many women, it is the first signs of twin pregnancy!
The AFP test measures a particular protein that is secreted by the fetal liver. If you are carrying more than one baby, your AFP test result will be ‘high’. But it is important to remember that a high AFP result can also indicate fetal abnormalities.
16. Fast Heartbeat:
As a mother, you can expect a racing heartbeat almost all the time, at least figuratively! But when you have a twin pregnancy, your heart can ‘literally’ race!
A fast heartbeat is normal with all that extra oxygen in your bloodstream, and all the extra work your heart needs to do to keep your babies healthy.A twin pregnancy can be scary and wonderful – both at the same time.
Like any other pregnancy, the important thing is to be aware of what is happening inside your body.
Complications To Watch Out For In A Twin Pregnancy:
Signs of being pregnant with twins is surely a cause for celebration, it is also a cause for caution! When you are carrying multiples, your pregnancy is automatically deemed high-risk. No, that does not mean something will go wrong. It just means that you need to keep a close eye on your health!
Here are some twin pregnancy complications that you need to be aware of:
1. Premature Birth:
A twin pregnancy is more likely to end in early labor and delivery simply because the babies run out of space! Babies born before 38 weeks of gestation are considered premature.
Although a slight prematurity does not often cause health issues in the newborn, it is important to let your babies gestate as long as possible.
2. Low Birth Weight:
Most twins are born with lower than average weight. That is why it is important to keep a watch on your diet and provide your babies with the best possible nutrition.
3. Drastic Weight Difference:
It is pretty common for a twin to weigh more than its sibling as it can receive more nutrition and space. There isn’t much you can do about this particular problem, though!
4. Preeclampsia:
High blood pressure during pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia – a health condition that can prove fatal for both baby and mother.
During a twin pregnancy, your chance of developing preeclampsia goes up manifold. That is why it is important to keep your blood pressure under check during your pregnancy.
5. Gestational Diabetes (GD):
Most cases of gestational diabetes resolve by themselves with childbirth. But giving GD a free run can cause severe health damage.
Gestational diabetes is also a common complication for women expecting twins.6. Anemia: As your body makes more blood to help your babies grow, your body may lose some of its hemoglobin in return. That is why a woman with a twin pregnancy is much more likely to suffer from anemia (depleted hemoglobin levels).
What To Expect From Your Doctor?
A twin pregnancy does not warrant going into panic mode! Thousands of women give birth to twins each day without any complications.
But what you do need to do is work closely with your health care provider.There are certain tests that you should take to prevent the complications mentioned above.
Your doctor will prescribe additional scans and antenatal appointments if you are expecting twins. You will also need regular blood pressure and urine tests to avoid health issues like preeclampsia. Your doctor will prescribe blood tests at 24 weeks and again at 28 weeks to ensure that your hemoglobin levels are adequate.
What Can You Do?
Coping with a twin pregnancy is as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. Here are some easy tips that can help you navigate a twin pregnancy better:
- All that extra weight, insomnia, body ache and raging hormones can make you feel exhausted all the time. But you need to rest a bit to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
- By resting, we do not mean bed rest, which can prove counter-productive. What you need are regular naps and some laziness! Forget the household chores (or ask your partner to help you out) and just put your feet up.
- If you have a child already, ask somebody like a friend or relative watch her while you catch up on some much-needed sleep. Remember, once your babies are here, sleep will become elusive!
- If you are working, you may need to apply for maternity leave sooner than you expected.
- If you are feeling low and depressed, talk to your doctor. You may need some professional help to feel better.Finally, be nice to yourself. Pamper yourself. Get a foot massage, get your hair done – do whatever it takes to feel better!
Pregnancy is the most fulfilling journey. And when it is a twin pregnancy, the miracle becomes even more amazing. Don’t spend this journey worrying. Celebrate it! Are you expecting twins? What symptoms are you experiencing? Share your story with us!