Monday, 7 November 2016

How To Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally

While some couples just love twins and wish to start their new family with them, others who have been TTC for some time just wish they can cover up the lost years by having two children at the same time, perfect, yes?

If you’re one of those couples wishing for twins, you might want to take a glance at this post as it will help increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins. And here are the natural ways to get pregnant with twins!

How are twins conceived?

The chances of conceiving twins are pretty much low for every woman. Although taking fertility medications or undergoing IVF treatment can increase your chances of conceiving twins. If you want to increase your chances of conceiving twins, there are some things you have to know about the process of how twins are formed.

5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Chances Of Conceiving Twins:

Besides the other factors that will determine your chances of conceiving twins such as age, family history, genes, fertility procedures you’ve gone through, number of previous pregnancies, body type and race, these are the other ways to boost your chances of conceiving twins;

1. Taking Folic Acid Supplements:

Research has shown that taking folic acid is one of the natural ways to get pregnant with twins. Folic acid helps get rid of neural tube defects during pregnancy and boost the healthy growth of the fetus.

Take 400-1000 micrograms supplement and increase your intake of foods rich in Vitamin B9 if you are planning to conceive twins naturally. Good sources of folic acid include lettuce, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, egg yolk, sunflower seeds, asparagus, broccoli, melon and liver.

2. Gaining extra body weight:

Women that are overweight have higher chances of conceiving twins than women that are of normal body weight. It is recommended that you take dairy products (milk, yoghurt etc) or calorie-rich food to get pregnant with twins.

Also, eat cow liver as Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)  found in cow liver are said to trigger multiple pregnancies.

3. Fertility Treatment:

Getting fertility assistance including in-vitro fertilization or taking fertility drugs can help stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs each month. Which will then result in twins pregnancy.

Your chances of having twins is increased by 20-40% if you go through IVF (in vitro fertilization), this, however, depends on the number of embryos placed in your embryo.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment also helps boost your chances of getting pregnant with twins, a process which involves using syringe to place the sperm into your uterus.

4. Spacing Conception Attempts:

Putting enough gap into when you attempt to conceive with twins will also elevate your chances. So try to put space in the conception periods, instead of rushing every year. As this reduces your chances of conceiving twins.

5. Eat Hyperovulation-stimulating Foods:

There are different foods that will increase the rate of your ovulation and stimulate your ovaries to release eggs.  Wild yam especially cassava is well known for it’s hyper-stimulating property, and it also increases your conceiving. Some other foods rich in protein that helps increase your chances of conceiving twins are soya beans, whole wheat, and whole grains.

6. Birth Control Pill

Birth control pills can actually help a lot in your bid to conceive twins naturally. When you finally stop taking the drugs, your body can find its natural rhythm. It will then increase your chances of releasing more eggs in the uterus.

Natural herbs to increase your chance of conceiving twins are;

  • Evening primrose oil, it is more effective when you take it during your menstruation and when you’re ovulating.
  • Licorice; regulates your menstrual cycle, thus making it easier for you to keep track of your ovulation days.
  • Flaxseed oil; It boost women’s fertility, thereby increasing their chances of conceiving twins. It’s also a natural source of Omega3 fatty acid.
  • Sweet Cassava; Is most effective herbal supplement for improving female fertility.  It also contains phytoestrogens which helps in regulating the female hormones.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf; It helps heal uterus issues such as injury, caesarian and also strengthens the uterine.


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