Friday 11 November 2016

26 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Best moment this week:  Watching Dan put together some of our wonderful baby shower gifts!  It is so fun to watch him work to put things together for the boys.  And it is crazy to see our house begin to transform into a baby zone!

Movement: They are getting in practice wrestling I think.  These boys love to let me know they are still there each night.  I literally lay down to relax on the couch/wind down for the day and they decide to rev up for the night.  It always makes me giggle and smile!
I love that they like to play around at night as usually Dan is home and it is nice to share that time with him and the boys.

Food Cravings: Smoothies!  I have been just getting full so fast 🙁  and HOT so fast…so I have at least one smoothie a day, often for dinner.
I find it a great way to sneak in a lot of fruits, veggies, protein, dairy.  And I make them taste like dessert which is never a bad thing!

Sleep:  Different week same story – lots of bathroom wake up calls, can’t find comfy spot, you get the idea.  BUT I have to say since we broke down and turned the AC on last week (I couldn’t believe it got in the mid 80s) I slept a lot better.  I have to have it super cold to sleep 🙂

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